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August 14, 2007

Due to Sabotage we've had to shut down the forum. Our research has uncovered disgruntled Atheists who wish to silence us. We received the following anonymous tip from a concerned reader:

I just thought I'd warn you that there are several sites actively trying to take this one down. The one in particular that I know about is the "/b/ - Random" board on 4chan.org. They stated that they are working with other sites, but they didn't specify who. They are rigging the poll by changing their IPs and making scripts that automatically vote for the "Atheism" choice. They are also waiting for the forum to come back up so they can spam it with Internet shock images and child pornography, then report the site to the FBI so it will be shut down. The owner of the site won't stop them no matter what you do, so I highly recommend you just leave the forum down for about a week so they have time to lose interest.

I do find it rather humorous that, instead of trying to use constructive arguments, they are just trying to get rid of the site. It seems to me that they are just desperately trying to hide from their own ignorance.

This only serves to prove our point. We hope that one day we will have the freedom of speech and that the Atheists who have done this will not succeed in silencing everyone with a willing voice to speak out against the oppression and terrorism of the Atheism dogma and rhetoric.

Staff of AtheismsFallacies.com

Friday June 15, 2007

Update: Unfortunately, we have determined that sabotage is to blame for the current trouble we are having with our forum. Our research has determined that a disgruntled Atheist is to blame for the incidents.

Please be warned! This person has been arrested and is being brought up on charges. We will NOT tolerate the hate and terrorism of those who wish to stop our right to free speech.

We hope to have the forum up and running soon. In the mean time, feel free to Contact Us if you have a comment or would like to share something that would normally go in the forum.

We will keep you up to date on our progress.

We apologize for any inconvenience.
Forum Admin

Monday May 21, 2007

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. Our technical team is working on the issue and hope to have it resolved soon. Our preliminary findings are a problem with the servers that service our forum database.

We've also been getting several dozen SPAM posts and fraudulent account creations each day for the last several weeks. It's difficult to determine the cause and we aren't yet sure if the issues are related but we are working on a solution.

Feel free to Contact Us if you have a comment or would like to share something that would normally go in the forum.

In the mean time we will keep you up to date on our progress.

We apologize for any inconvenience.
Forum Admin


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